London Property

Transforming Tight London Spaces With Heritage in Mind

Blog Post No. 137

Transforming Tight London Spaces With Heritage in Mind


Nicholas Boyarski and Nicola Murphy are specialist architects driven by academics, and have a deep understanding of the planning process. Their expertise makes them very good for dealing with complex matters of architecture.

To connect with these experts, email or if you are a member log in to connect with Nicholas and Nicola directly by clicking on their profiles on this page or via ‘Hire an expert’.

This week we enjoy the company of Nicholas Boyarski and Nicola Murphy. Having come to architecture through different routes, they now work together to create bespoke solutions for problems that people have building in tight London spaces. They enjoy transforming existing properties, and adapting old properties to facilitate new forms of living. 

You’ll discover what their most challenging achievement in their build in Cadogan Square was, as well as one thing that Nicholas will never do and Nicola will do!You’ll learn what is meant by deconversion, and how ants, bats and greater-crested newts have been known to contribute to the process.

Nicholas and Nicola give their valued insight into where they believe the market is now, and share one huge change that is coming to new-build regulations post 2025. Watch this space for more on the impact of that change in future post. Their work engages them with planners, heritage consultants, craftsmen and tradesmen, making it a career not just about buildings, but about relationships.

Ask us anything, we will have a solution.